Big Head Barry and the Giants

Will with a swing of the bat, the MLB season has started this week. One thing to watch for is “Will Bonds break the HR Record?”

Barring injury, it’s an unfortunate and foregone conclusion that Bonds will break Henry Aaron’s all time home run record at some point this year. I can’t help but think it’s bad for the game and bad for sports in general that he’ll break this record with the cloud of suspicion regarding steroid use hanging over him. I don’t wish anything bad to happen but I feel he should step to the side on this quest.

Maybe Bonds used steroids, maybe not. We might never know. But MLB is faced with the prospect of a man presumed guilty breaking one of its most hallowed records. Bonds moved a step closer to Aaron’s home run mark Wednesday night, hitting his 735th homer in the first inning of the Giants’ 5-3 loss to the Padres.

What do you think of Mr. Bonds, his quest to be HR King and the ‘roids?

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