More tomorrow, but a stellar performance by the Cougs today against a Golden Eagles team that was MUCH better than I could have imagined.

All of those dudes were super atheltic…all of them could shoot.

Couple of quick notes, with more coming tomorrow:

The team that won the game today was the same lineup that was so awesome during our first stretch. Until Georgetown, might i suggest that Baynes park his butt on the bench.

Clark was brilliant today, simply brilliant.

Robbie Cowgill and Taylor Rochestie are really fantastic basketball players.

Kyle Weaver is special. Not only is he great AND athletic, but his savy and smarts in pulling two or three breaks back to eat clock was something you’d expect from Steve Nash, not a Junior playing his first game in the big dance.

Matthews hit EVERYTHING in warm ups…Hopson hit NOTHING in warmups or the game. If we ever need O, Matthews is our guy…cuz man can he shoot…

In terms of Saturday:

EVERYONE on Vandy can hit from 3. So, if we don’t guard, expect to get buried.

But their interior d is really weak (GW got into the bonus 9 minutes into the first half but couldn’t capatalize). I think we’ll score easily against them.

The key will be to defend the perimeter well and make them shoot jump shots from 12-18 feet…

We should be packing for the Meadowlands Saturday night if we play to our ability.

And after seeing, Cougar Nation, I’m believing…we’re REALLY good.

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