Bill Ripken’s Statcast break down on Mike Trout’s last 14 games

Bill Ripken’s Statcast break down on Mike Trout’s last 14 games

So on MLB Tonight on the MLB Network last night Bill Ripken uncovered an impressive spray chart.

On Trout, Ripken said, “You know they shift this guy too? Is there any reason by that spray-chart that [he] should be shifted? Do you see that? That looks like the Fourth of July right there. Everything is flying in all different directions and yet they’ll put three guys on the other side of second base.”

Here’s the spray-chart:

 photo MikeTroutSprayChart_zpskn3llmko.jpg

If you missed the segment on the MLB Network last night, you can view it below.

[mlbvideo id=”660931783″ width=”400″ height=”224″ /]
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