Bill’s Bolts Bluster – A Tampa Bay Lightning Rant


Bill’s Bolts Bluster will be a regular feature posted from time to time as my blood pressure rises. Keep in mind, this is a diatribe of off the cuff opinions about the Lightning spouted by me. Sometimes you just have to shout something wild and impassioned at the top of your lungs just to feel better.

Here we go!

-This team as constructed currently cannot go deep in the playoffs.

– The blue line is too young and inexperienced to consistently win close, one goal, playoff-type games. Luke Witkowski, Nikita Nesterov, Mark Barberio and Andrej Sustr have had their mistakes magnified by heavy, playoff built squads like the Kings. They’re coming and may be solid defenders in the future, but not now.

– Developing these young defensemen during a playoff run is a tough thing to do, but is a necessity because of injuries to Radko Gudas and Matt Carle.

– Despite GM Steve Yzerman‘s comments to the contrary, if the team wants to win now, a move for a so-called “rental” is necessary. The cost may be perceived as “too high” but there is no guarantee that the proverbial “Cup window” will remain open. Don’t play for two years down the road…play for now. Certainly there is a way to get a defenseman that is more than a “rental” at the deadline. Andrej Sekera, Braydon Coburn or Jeff Petry anyone?

– Not making a move now, sends the message that Yzerman doesn’t have confidence that the team can win now, or is not ready at this juncture. Go get a seasoned defenseman! Trade from a position of strength. Picks and prospects are the Lightning’s strength.

– With how good the power play has been (Gag!). why is Jonathan Drouin not involved…at all?

– While Brenden Morrow (51 games, 2 goals, 4 assists, -3, ATOI 9:18) is a great locker room influence on the Bolts young players, his career appears to be over. Release him or trade him (if possible) if you are not looking to make a deep run this season.

– Listening to coach Jon Cooper’s post game comments after some losses is maddening and depressing. After last night’s loss to the Kings, Cooper said, “We played well enough to get points out of this game. Don’t think you can walk away from that game and say LA was way better than us.”

Who cares? The days of moral victories are over! The Lightning are the wolves now and should act like it. You lost! LA isn’t better than you, or at least that should be your mindset!

It’s understandable if Cooper made the comment for political reasons, but taken on face value they make him and the team look weak.

Thanks for reading.

I feel better now!

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