Bills cutting pay roll to sell team?

Bills cutting pay roll to sell team?

One of things I’ve been hearing on the airwaves on WGR and message boards was the conspiracy theory the Bills were cutting payroll in order to sell the team at a better value. I don’t buy it. Anyone who is interested in buying the Bills is going to have the deepest pockets ever imaginable. You think they really care if they have high contracts on the team? This is the NFL, where teams cost almost a billion dollars to buy, not the NHL where teams can be bought by A-Rod. Even if the Bills were bought today, an owner would have the cash flow to buy out the lease at Orchard Park for millions. This decade two teams were sold to new owners were from the Vikings and Falcons. Both teams had stars making good money on their teams (Moss & Cullpepper for Vikings and Vick for the Falcons) and didn’t cut pay roll prior to selling the team. Will the Bills be sold soon? Most likely. Will pay roll be a factor? No way. 

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