Billy Hall’s late homer does it again!

For the second straight night, Brewers’ manager Ned Yost decided to start the right-handed hitting Bill Hall against a Cardinals’ right-handed starter…and for the second night in a row, Hall hit a home run in the final inning with the eventual game-winning run to give the Brewers their fifth straight road win, 4-3.
Brewers’ starter Jeff Suppan spotted the Cards a 3-0 lead after 3 IP, and way before the Crew could even make any in roads against Cardinals’ starter Kyle Lohse. It took the Crew until the 7th to score their first run of the game, after J.J. Hardy led off with a double, followed by singles by Ryan Braun and Prince Fielder. The inning ended with Bill Hall striking out for the second straight inning (I bring this up because FSN Wisconsin announcer and former Brewers’ catcher Bill Schroeder once again proved he’s either not watching or not able to see the game–on Hall’s strikeout in the 5th inning, Hall disputed the called third strike as it was 3-4″ below the bottom of Hall’s knees…Mr. Schroeder stated, “That pitch was right over the middle of the plate.” Technically, it was over from left to right…but usually that means it is also in the middle from top to bottom. In the 7th inning, a pitch to Hall was called a ball as it was a good half-foot outside…again, Schroeder made a comment along the lines of Lohse’s been throwing that pitch all night for strikes…no, Bill, the other pitches shown in the replay were actually over the plate. Either Schroeder needs a new prescription for his contacts or a larger monitor).
The Crew tied the game in the 8th after Jason Kendall singled, followed by a Rickie Weeks’ double to drive in Kendall, with Weeks scoring on a Hardy single afterwards. In a rather stunning manner, Cards’ skipper Tony La Russa had opted to keep Lohse in through 8 innings…unusual in that La Russa has this reputation of going to his pen early and often.
But Hall hit the game-winning dinger off reliever Kyle McClellan…another righty.
So Yost has surprised his critics by avoiding platoons at second and third, instead sticking with Weeks and Hall, respectively, against right-handed pitchers, even though both had problems hitting righties…the operative word there was ‘had.’

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