Black Cloud Hangs Over Red Sox Nation

Black Cloud Hangs Over Red Sox NationThis is not how things are supposed to go; the Sox should be winning at home with great pitching and solid offense, pulling away from the aging Yankees. However, things in Red Sox Nation are not all peachy right now with the continuing Manny saga, the lack of hitting by the Captain and the lead-off hitter, and the loss of ground to the hated team from 200 miles to the South. It was hard to see Wake get the loss today after pitching so well the last month . The Sox are going to be OK and this is only a series in July. How many times have we seen the Yankees come into the Fens and beat up on the Sox only to lose the next few games against a weak team? The Yankees made a good move yesterday and with the tightening of the division and the fast approaching trade deadline, Theo may be forced to make a move to put this team over the top. One of the coveted prospects may be going somewhere for so short term help. The Sox may need a shakeup to get out of this funk; something that may not seem totally rational when it happens. (Think of the Nomar trade) The Sox desperately need a win tomorrow against the Yankees, but even if they are swept there are plenty of game days left this season to win the division and make another run at the World Series.

Sox Lose 10-3 BOX SCORE

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