Black Friday for Theo

Black Friday for Theo
As millions of people get up to buy the $15 DVD player at 5am on the busiest shopping day of the year the Red Sox will not be looking for bargains. Boston has most of the 2008 team taken care of. The infield is set; Youk at first, Padroia at second, Lugo as short, Lowell back at third. The outfield will only have one change; Jacoby will be in center joining Manny and JD. The battery is the only area still up in the air. All of the starters from ’07 are signed but if they will go with a 6 man rotation or deal a youngster is still up in the air. Tek will be back in the last year of his contract but his backup is not signed yet. Many teams are out shopping for that bargain player to fill a big hole but the Red Sox are not among them. Boston will pull the trigger on a major deal this off season but it will come out of a position of strength. Theo can be patient and look for a player that will fit well on the Red Sox for a long time. It may be Santana or Haren or someone who has not been on the radar yet. Mike Lowell has already given Sox fans a Christmas present. Red Sox Nation is content with our current team so we don’t need Theo to rush out with the other GM’s to find that bargain player, but we would like a nice surprise for Christmas.

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