BlogPoll Top 25: Draft Preseason Poll from a Gamecocks Blog

Leftover Hot Dog is honored to be one of the blogs involved in the 2010 BlogPoll Top 25. Many thanks to Brian for allowing us to join this year and congrats on his move to the SB Nation network. We joined Team Speed Kills as representing the South Carolina Gamecocks.

I’m sure most of y’all know by now what the BlogPoll is — voting works just like the AP and coaches’ polls, but the ballots are all cast by bloggers.

You will notice each week two blog posts dealing with the BlogPoll.  One will be a draft before putting in the final vote. The best part about the blog poll is that it offers transparency to the readers as well as the other voters.  Comments are encouraged from you the reader in the draft phase and those thoughts/feelings go in to my final submission. But as the one who casts the ballot, I reserve the right to make the final call. I am willing to listen and could use your insight before casting that final ballot so please comment.

In filling out this ballot, I am trying to figure out the Top 25 teams entering the season not predicting how they will finish. Keep that in mind as you comment as there is lots of football to play.

So here’s my inaugural ballot for 2010.


I know SC at #23.  If you read this blog, you know our thoughts on 2010 as it is lining up to be a special season for Spurrier.  But it is August.

No Clemson is not listed.  Not big on them going into the season even with Parker.  Lots of questions to sort out.  Will know more about this team post-Auburn.

No Georgia.  Sorry as I write this, I feel USC is better and will win the game.  UGa will be 3rd or 4th in SEC East.  Before you yell…it is August.


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