Bloguin and MadTown Badgers Officially Oppose SOPA

STOP SOPA This site is about sports, and fankly 99.9% of the time that’s what we’re covering for you, but today we’re taking our first and probably last political stance at MadTown Badgers.  We’re here everyday providing you with original and free content, the way the Internet is supposed to be, but current legislation before the house of representatives and the senate (SOPA and PIPA respectively) threatens the very existence of this site and our parent company Bloguin and I feel highly compelled to speak out against an unnecessary attack against people providing information via the new media outlet that is the Internet.  

The language of both SOPA and PIPA is extremely vague and only seeks to benefit a few organizations that have spent the better part of three years hand crafting legislation and filling the coffers of various members of congress in an attempt to get their own legislation passed. 

Without having the deep pockets of the organizations like the MPAA and RIAA, fan run sites like this and many others would be forced out of business because of unnecessary costs in paying for lawyers and a full time 24/7 staff dedicated to making sure that absolutely zero copyrighted material would ever be put on the site by us or any reader/commenter whether intentional or not.

Both Bloguin and us here at MadTown Badgers completely oppose SOPA and PIPA. “The growth and popularity of the Internet as well as it’s spirit is rooted in the fact that it’s free from unnecessary oversight and corporate meddling.” said Bloguin CEO Ben Koo.  “SOPA (and PIPA) aims to change that and our stance is that this is comprehensively bad and short sighted policy. It’s definitely been encouraging to see the grass roots movement and outrage on this issue seemingly change the sentiment on this legislation.”

As such we encourage you to contact your local member of congress and your Senators to let them know to keep the Internet the place of freedom that it should be.  I leave you with these thoughts from two of our founding fathers, “Let us tenderly and kindly cherish, therefore, the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write.” – John Adams. “I am opposed to any form of tyranny over the mind of man.” – Thomas Jefferson

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