Bloguin’s BlogPoll NBA Power Rankings: Edition 5 (1/30/10)

Bloguin BlogPoll's NBA Power Rankings

Once again, our Bloguin brother Dave Kelsey was the man behind the scenes collecting the votes and comments from our fellow brother & sister Bloguin NBA blogs. The result? The 5th NBA Power Rankings for the 2009-2010 season from the collective NBA bloggers here on the Bloguin network! You know Hoop Heads North had to weigh in too Smile. Check the link below to see how the Bloguin NBA crew thinks the league shakes out at this point in the season:

“Through out the year, we’ll ask our esteemed Bloguin Basketball blogs to vote on the NBA from top to bottom. It’s three solid months into the NBA season and we are starting to get a pretty good idea for “who’s who” amongst these teams. Here is what the Bloguin NBA Bloggers had to say…”

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