The Chicago Blues Festival bills itself as the largest Blues Festival “in the world”.
No idea if that’s true or not, but as you can see from the picture above… there are a ton of people that come out every year to the Blues Fest. By my estimate, at lest 235 people.
This was the first CD Field Trip to Blues Fest, so when we noticed that the City of St. Louis was one of the sponsors, we kind of were like ‘hey – that’s cool’. St. Louis has lots of good stuff, right? Perfect opportunity to show off our city!
Well done sponsorship coordinator person!
Oh, and did I mention that this weekend featured 2 top 10 weather days? When we say that every single person in Chicago was out, we’re not really exaggerating that much. Everyone was outside.
Anyway, we headed over to the booth around 3p or so to see just what STL was unleashing on the masses. Would people soon be in love with the Lou as much as we are? Hell, maybe we’d even pick up a cheap trinket or literature to share with our fellow festival patrons to contribute to the cause…
For real?
Next time give us a call. We’re more than happy to help man the booth. At the very least, we’d wear Cardinals gear and piss off Cubs fans. But being the only booth straight up Walking Dead style?
No, no, no, no.
Explore St. Louis has reached out via Twitter :
@athooks 1 of 2 Sorry we missed you! We represented St. Louis all day Fri & Sat speaking w/ tons of people who love St. Louis' Blues music.
— Explore St. Louis (@explorestlouis) June 16, 2014
@athooks 2 of 2 We'd love it if u could join us in promoting St. Louis' Blues next year! Here's a photo of our booth:
— Explore St. Louis (@explorestlouis) June 16, 2014
Photo: CBS
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