Bob Stoops Weak Punishment To Prized Recruit Joe Mixon


The NFL has gone though a public relations nightmare, yet somehow  Bob Stoops and the Oklahoma Sooners have flown under the radar during this time. Well, except for a senator from Missouri blasting the team for accepting Dorial Green-Beckham as a transfer.  Still, that isn’t the biggest issue surrounding Stoops instead it’s the weak punishment handed out to prize recruit Joe Mixon.

In August, Mixon got suspended for the entire 2014 season for allegedly punching a woman in the face. There is a video that the media has seen, yet hasn’t been released due to the ongoing investigation. Those who have seen the video attempted to do the best job of describing what happened.

Here’s a Youtube video describing in detail what happened.


While the woman, Amelia Rae Molitor did make physical contact first with a push and then a slap. Still the only option in that scenario for Mixon was to walk away, he didn’t and landed a punch to Molitor’s face in which he caused a broken jaw, fractured cheek bone, fractured sinus, fractured orbit causing a hematoma on the left eye.

Eddie Radesovich who also was at the view stated, “neither the push or the slap are significant in the least bit. What made the viewing even more uncomfortable- perhaps more than I expected- is the difference in size between Mixon and Molitor.”

If there’s anything been learned from the Ray Rice video is that it doesn’t matter who made physical contact first. The truth is a man should never get physically violent with a woman with one exception of their life is in danger.

For Mixon he could have easily walked away and let others around him call the police on Molitor for shoving and then slapping him. Unfortunately that didn’t happen and the only choice Stoops had when it came to discipline is to kick him off the team and that didn’t happen.



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