Book Review: Don’t Put Me In Coach

Walk-on benchwarmers have a special kinship amongst them, so it’s not surprising that I enjoyed Mark Titus’s Don’t Put Me In Coach.  For those not in the know, Titus was a walk-on for one of the best college basketball teams in the nation, Ohio State (2006-10), who, despite only scoring nine points in his career, became one of the most popular and famous players on the team due to his blog,  Meanwhile, I was a walk-on for one of the best college basketball teams in another nation (Canada), who went on to become a writer, also.  The big difference being Titus is getting multi-million dollar book advances, and I’m not.  But at least I scored eight more points in my career than he did, right?!  Right?!

Ok, enough of me acting like Al Bundy and having athletic flashbacks – on to Mr. Titus’s book.  It’s a fun, profane, inside look into life as a player at a big time basketball school.  Titus dishes the dirt on several high profile teammates (Greg Oden: “I defy you to show me a whiter black guy than 2005 Greg Oden“, Evan Turner, aka “The Villain”: “insecure, socially feebleminded, possibly bipolar, and often callous perfectionist who had all the talent in the world, who lacked self-confidence and the ability to trust in anybody around him”, Kosta Koufos: “team douchebag”) as well as breaks down the behind-the-scenes action within the Buckeyes’ basketball program.  Oh, and he mentions taking bowel movements.  A lot.  Dude apparently has stomach issues.

A fun read, whether you are an Ohio State fan or not.  Grab a copy here:

P.S. – I looked it up, and I posted two trillions in my career.  Respect my steez.


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