Book Review: FreeDarko’s Undisputed Guide to Pro Basketball History


Darko Milicic might have been freed from his Motor City oppressors five years ago, but the alt-basketball writers’ collective that he inspired, FreeDarko, is still going strong.  Having been a big fan of their first book (not to mention their website), I awaited their latest literary effort, FreeDarko Presents The Undisputed Guide to Pro Basketball History, with great anticipation.  And, not surprisingly, the boys didn’t let me down.

While not as abstract or left field as their first offering, The Undisputed Guide.. still offers up enoughof FreeDarko’s classic flavour to keep longtime fans appeased, whether it be the exquisite artwork, the obscure stats or Bethlehem Shoals’ inimitable writing style.  The book is broken down by eras, taking the reader through the history of pro basketball, albeit an alternative history through FreeDarko’s eyes.  So while you get essays on the key players/teams/events of each era, you also get treatises on players and events out of the glare of the mainstream, which can even teach an old hoophead like myself a thing or two about the history of the game.  And mixed amongst these long-form essays are the aforementioned artwork and stats, as well as little-known tidbits and trivia related to that era of the game. 

It all adds up to The Undisputed Guide.. being must-read material for hoops fans young and old.  FreeDarko has delivered the goods once again.  May they never be let free.

Buy it here:

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