Book Review: Turning Back the Clock

John Fitch V has written several fantasy books and Turning Back the Clock is his first book about the Red Sox.  The book begins with Grady Little’s failure to take Pedro out of the game in 2003.  The post game depression leads the main character to come up with a plan to go back in time and change the Red Sox fortunes by trying to keep Babe Ruth from going to the Yankees and keep Joe Jackson out of the 1919 World Series fix.

To be honest I am not a big fan of fantasy or science fiction novels and books, I could be the only person out there that did not like The Lord of the Rings movies.  I did however like this book.  Fitch makes 1919 come to life through good research and excellent writing.  The book is written with serious baseball fans in mind; those that know their history.  The book gives you a feeling of what baseball was like in 1919 through interactions with the likes of Harry Frazee, Babe Ruth, Joe Jackson, and the notorious Joseph “Sport” Sullivan.”  It takes you through a compelling look at the forces that set in motion 86 years of heartbreak, and how they might have been avoided.

The book does make me wonder one thing: if the Sox had won a few World Series after 1918, would 2004 still be the same?  Would you give up the feeling you had in 2004 for the 27 rings the Yankees have?  Tough call.

I recommend you pick up a copy of Turning Back the Clock and read it yourself; it will increase your knowledge of Red Sox and baseball history while giving you some laughs along the way.   With no baseball in the near future this book can tide you over until Truck Day.

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