BOTH kickers to travel!?!? Have you LOST YOUR MIND COACH!?!?

Per Glenn this afternoon:

One other note, just to drive you all batty: Doba has shifted course and decided to take both kickers to Auburn, see which one performs best in warm-ups, and go with him as his guy. Good times.

WHAT!?!? So Tuesday he says how important it is to take a “football player” on the plane and not an extra kicker…..only to change his mind and have two kickers travel, one of which will absolutely not play!?!? What a waste. And what a bad idea. I know the Ahmu injury factors into it, but wouldn’t it be wiser to take someone that can actually HELP the football team?!?! What about Peanut!??! Have things completely changed in 24 hours!?!? I love Doba, but man, this is a bad idea.

I put my Pac-10 preview up on AOL tonight, but it’s nothing like “Pluto no longer a planet!” or anything close to it. Although I do have to say things feel pretty wide open this year. I think Cal, USC and Oregon are the class of the conference, and but I had trouble with the rest. Literally anything can happen between 4 and even down to 10. It seems that fluid. I think there will be some big surprises this year.

I guess I’m feeling cranky this evening, sort of like my 3-year old who really needs to go to bed
already, but did anyone catch any of the Beavs tonight?? I know we take heat for scheduling the likes of Idaho or Grambling, but Eastern!?!? What’s really embarrassing is to watch the Beavs prance around and pose and celebrate against a I-AA opponent. They should be ashamed. BOTH kickers to travel!?!? Have you LOST YOUR MIND COACH!?!?I know they are young men, but why party like it’s 1999 when you are up 4 TD’s in the second quarter against a team that really has ZERO business playing against a Pac-10 foe? Pretty sad. I hope the paycheck was good for Paul Wulff, because they are going through a major humiliation on TV right now.

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