Boxscore Breakdown #121: Lather, rinse, repeat – Angels 5, Rangers 4


Same night, almost the exact same story. The Angels jump out early, the bullpen nearly blows it, only they manage not to. Kole Calhoun leads the offense while Josh Hamilton drags it down.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Run Expectancy Rundown

Calhoun didn’t supply the power in this one, but he did knock in a few runs and lead in RE24 again. Instead it was Albert Pujols and Howie Kendrick doing the yardwork. Mike Trout‘s mini-slump continued and the whole “Brennan Boesch sparking the offense” experiment continues to fail miserably. I hear Daniel Nava is on trade waivers. I’m just saying.

Speaking of potential trade targets, Alex Rios had a big night. So did J.P. Arencibia, which is kind of inexcusable.

Starting Pitcher Scores

A solid but short outing for Matt Shoemaker. That’s become sort of his M.O. at this point with him only going longer than six innings once since June 22nd. Colby Lewis once again got owned by the Halos. He did have 10 whiffs, but that was with big assists from the home plate umpire and Josh Hamilton. This really could have gone a lot worse for him.

Bullpen Battle

Mike Morin made a small mess in his return, but Jason Grilli came in and really mucked it up, Cat in the Hat-style. Fortunately, Joe Smith and Huston Street were available to clean it all up without so much as leaving a spot of dust behind them.

Game Flow

Second verse, same as the first.

Halo Hero
Boxscore Breakdown #121: Lather, rinse, repeat - Angels 5, Rangers 4
Three hits and his first homer since June 17th. That’s our hero right there.

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