Boxscore Breakdown #74: Bah humbug – Mariners 3, Angels 1

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It was Christmas in June at the Big A, but the Mariners combined with the limp Angels lineup to leave a big ol’ lump of coal in the Halos’ collective stocking. Frankly, that’s what they get for running such a stupid promotion to begin with.

Mariners 3, Angels 1

Run Expectancy Rundown
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1-sOz8Wz2D3NogkXRilf7i2QEjByeOxQU8UIsG1QHmdk/pubchart” query=”oid=1976391661&format=interactive” width=”623″ height=”389″ /] This was the story of the Angels’ offense in a nutshell. Mike Trout and Albert Pujols do all they can, nobody else is able to help out. Angels score on run. (fart noises) Seriously, this was a collective effort of ineptness. Freese struck out in a situation where all he had to do was put the ball in play. Johnny G became Johnny GIDP. Taylor Featherson was himself.

[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1-sOz8Wz2D3NogkXRilf7i2QEjByeOxQU8UIsG1QHmdk/pubchart” query=”oid=1154832181&format=interactive” width=”620″ height=”341″ /] Brad Miller actually looked like the best shortstop in baseball for one game, which has to make M’s fans feel ever so slightly good. He, Nelson Cruz and, for one night only, Robinson Cano were the entirety of the Seattle offense. Thinks really aren’t all that much better in the PNW than they are in SoCal, you know, other than the PNW actually having water.

Starting Pitcher Scores
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1-sOz8Wz2D3NogkXRilf7i2QEjByeOxQU8UIsG1QHmdk/pubchart” query=”oid=161400381&format=interactive” width=”584″ height=”293″ /] Matt Shoemaker had a real solid performance, which was smart of him considering that Heaney’s presence now makes for a real threat to Shoe getting demoted. Taijuan Walker continues to finally look like he is becoming the pitcher the prospect gurus all thought he could be. That would be a scary thought if the USS Mariner hadn’t already hit an iceberg this season.

Bullpen Battle
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1-sOz8Wz2D3NogkXRilf7i2QEjByeOxQU8UIsG1QHmdk/pubchart” query=”oid=1141913419&format=interactive” width=”620″ height=”315″ /] Fernando Salas helped the Angels escape a jam in one inning, but then went and spoiled it by serving up a cookie to Cano. The Seattle bullpen showed the Halos some daylight to make a comeback, but the Angel bats couldn’t do anything with it.

Game Flow
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1-sOz8Wz2D3NogkXRilf7i2QEjByeOxQU8UIsG1QHmdk/pubchart” query=”oid=41272350&format=interactive” width=”619″ height=”315″ /] Things got bad for the Angels mid-way through the game, only to get promising again, only to have their hopes dashed by another bout of buntfuckery by Scioscia.

Halo A-Hole
Boxscore Breakdown #74: Bah humbug - Mariners 3, Angels 1
The Halo A-Hole is a fickle mistress as it must punish Featherston for twice striking out to end an inning with runners in scoring position.

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