BREAKING NEWS: Bobby Abreu is Coming Back!

One down, four to go.  The Angels have re-signed the first of their several big ticket free agents today, agreeing to a two-year deal with Bobby Abreu.

Bobby Abreu

Welcome back, Bobby!

No financial terms have been announced for the deal just yet, but Abreu reportedly rejected a two-year, $16 million extension a few weeks ago, so he has to be earning at least a modest raise over that price.  Whatever the price, it is good to see the Angels move quickly on the guy they clearly identified as their top priority so that they can spend the next two weeks before free agency opens up to get their ducks in a row with John Lackey, Chone Figgins, Vladimir Guerrero, Darren Oliver and Robb Quinlan (OK, maybe not him, just checking to see if you are paying attention).

(UPDATE: Ed Price of AOL Fanhouse is reporting via Twitter that the deal is actually $9 million salaries for 2010 and 2011 each with a $1 million buyout for a $9 million salary in 2012.  2012 can be guaranteed though based on plate appearances, so there is a good chance this will really be a 3-year, $27 million contract.)

Considering the more disciplined approach Abreu helped bring to the Angel line-up, this re-signing was a no brainer.  The Angel players and coaches all raved about his teaching ability and Bobby spoke frequently about how much he enjoyed playing with the organization.  It is a match made in heaven and for once logic and sense overcame greed and pride to make this all come together swiftly.

Let’s hope the other Angel re-signings happen as quickly and amicably as this one.

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