BREAKING NEWS: Nady Leaves Game With Hamstring Injury

BREAKING NEWS: Nady Leaves Game With Hamstring Injury
The Buccos are currently down 3-1 against the lowly Nats, and Zach Duke is trying to prove that his rookie season was no joke. Unfortunately, X-Man Nady, who opened the season on fire and had a clutch, 4-RBI game last night, left tonight’s game clutching his left hammy.

The injury is said to be minor, but the Buccos can ill afford to lose Nady’s bat.

Shit, now its 5-1 Nats. Zach Duke is looking more and more like Ollie Perez. Great for one season, then horrible for the next two. We should trade him so he can go be an ace in some major metropolitan area, too.

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