Thanks to KSK for being REAL MEDIA GROUNDBREAKERS with this tidbit, but there is some gem of a human being on Twitter that is apparently a distant relative of Favre’s (probably the same dude that reserved all of those hotel rooms for him and his pigs in Green Bay). His name is BiloxiJim and he’s on a god damned rampage against anyone and everyone that is attacking the best quarterback ever.
KSK covered the hilarity of this pretty well, but I wanted to pass it along to our one reader who may see this and so that you can all follow him on Twitter as well. This could be epic, if done properly … Have at it!
By this way, this has been my favorite Tweet thus far from him …
“@JakeFarmakis Dude, Brett is my cousin, and he is a South Mississippi rough neck, he would beat your ass down. Ask around MS. He loved scrap”
Too much gold.
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