Brett McMurphy Throws Cold Water on Everything Big 12 Related


Damn you and your quest for facts, Brett McMurphy. The baby reacting to cold water had just about the same face all of us I’m going to assume. This is not the ideal news for the Big 12 hopefuls to say the least.

There is so much rumor mongering and conjecture going on that it’s impossible to hit a level of truth. There are going to be reports and rumors and innuendo going around until this is resolved. Brett McMurphy says one thing that is not what Cincinnati sources told Mike DeCourcy. Who knows what the actual truth is. We just have to take someone’s word for it. Who do you trust more, DeCourcy or McMurphy? That seems to be where your stance on all of this plays out.

In an unrelated story, this is one of the disadvantages of running the blog by myself. This information came last night. I was not around to see it and no one pointed me in it’s direction. By the time I stumbled across it myself, it was in the afternoon of the following day. Such is the life of a guy running a blog. This is a call for arms. If you want to help out with Bearcats Blog, send me an email sking1123 at gmail. I’m interested in expanding. More than the Big 12 it seems.

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