Brian Elliott Gets the Nod in Nets Against the Sens


I’m not going to lie, the only reason why I’m posting this is because I wanted another opportunity to use the image that adorns the top of this piece one more time.

Yes, Ken Hitchcock has confirmed that Brian Elliott will get the start tomorrow night against his former team. Discounting his appearance as part of Team Alfredsson during the 2012 All-Star Game weekend, this will be the first time that Elliott returns to Ottawa in a meaningful capacity.

The timing of his return couldn’t be worse. Not only do Ottawa shooters have to contend with an inspired Elliott and Hitchcock’s stifling defensive system, with eight goals in their last six games, Ottawa’s offence has dried up faster than its farm system under John Muckler’s watch. Hopefully the zamboni drivers make a few extra laps in the Blues’ end before the start of each period so that Elliott’s crease is ‘slippery‘. They could use the help.

Update @ 3:50 pm: Per Wayne Scanlan’s Twitter (@HockeyScanner), Elliott did not use the term “slippery” ice as an excuse for that shootout goal in his finale with Senators. A reporter paraphrased. Elliott said: “The ice was so new (after flood) that you just slide a little bit.” Slight difference from saying “slippery.” But not much.)

For what it’s worth, Paul MacLean has said that he’s going to sleep on it; choosing to name his starting goaltender tomorrow morn.

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