Brinkhater Diaries: What a MAN

Brinkhater Diaries: Vol 1 (3)

Brinkhater Diaries: What a MAN “What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man” -Salt-n-Pepa
Ya, That’s what I’m talking about:

Brinkhater Diaries: What a MAN
If you’re a Cougar fan, it kind of makes you wanna cry. It was just a few months ago that the Big Apple was just this wee little babe who made Pac-10 defenses cringe, Pac-10 coaches happy, and totally irrelevant and inane bloggers famous (cough! cough!).

But now, he’s a fricking man. And despite my name, I’m now a FAN. I mean, a BIG FAN.

So, I spent nearly two hours trying to find some dirt on our #10 and found one little tidbit: “If he plays well, he’ll make the practice team” (source: Houston Chronicle). Don’t know about you all, but after seeing the Big Apple in the pro jersey, I think I’d take the practice gig for a season or two, wouldn’t you?

“Nice Jacket, Nice Pahhhhhnts…”

Brinkhater Diaries: What a MAN
Speaking of surfer dudes, my shout out for the week goes to Richie Sexson. In addition to not being able to hit anything that looks like a baseball, my man showed last week that he also can’t come close to landing a blow on a non-moving human target. What he did accomplish, however, was win the 2008 Frank Madu Award for falling meekly onto a human sofa at the first site of contact. In my view, Sexson should have been suspended 8 games just for being such a meek little pussy. Congrats, Richie, you’re now only one season away from erasing Mario Mendoza from the annals of lameness. .200 is quickly becoming the Sexson line.

And while we’re talking about pussies, I’d like to give a second big shout out to my Brinkhater Nation homies who live in the mighty Sooner State (that’s code for basically all of OK if you didn’t know).

As you all know, I am the MASTER at counting ALL OF MY CHICKENS before they are hatched. And this week, my boys in OKC did just that. Any of you catch this photo?

Brinkhater Diaries: What a MAN
BARONS? Say what? You mean, they’re naming their team after Baron Davis?????

Brinkhater Diaries: What a MAN
I don’t know if any of you had the privilege of taking a history course at WSU from the great Leroy Ashby. But if you did, you probably saw something that looked a little like this:

Brinkhater Diaries: What a MAN

You know, with the 2008-09 tilt all but in Seattle’s can, and with an arena deal and potentially a Shulz injuction in tow, I might be sniffing my fingers a bit more in Sooner land instead of dreaming of Kevin Durant. Meanwhile, I hope you’ll join me in thinking about how MY SEATTLE Sonics are going to use the #1 pick after they win the Lotto this Sunday.

So, Eat that John Clayton Bennett!

Finally, I know that there are many of you out there who are a-political. But, following Hillos blow-out win over Barack this Tuesday and then Edwards’ endorsement today, those democrats sure seem like they’re in a rut.

Now, granted, I’m not a doctor (not yet, that is), but might I offer this country a bit of leadership regarding a possible third candidate to lead the way out of this Hillo-Barack mess?

I mean, don’t the DEMS need someone who is popular with women, whites, and ethnic groups alike.?

I sure think so…

So, please afford me the opportunity of offering you the person who should represent the Democratic Party as their nominee for President of the United States…

And so I bring you…

None other than…

Brinkhater Diaries: What a MAN
BORAT OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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