Brooklyn Cyclones to Hold Saved by the Bell-themed Night


A day after “The Tonight Show” thrilled the world by reuniting most of the cast of “Saved by the Bell”, the Brooklyn Cyclones revealed their plans to host a “Salute to Saved by the Bell” night June 24.

That’s right, the New York Mets Single-A affiliate will be donning some special uniforms when they take on the Tri-City ValleyCats. And, suffice it to say, they’ve got a slew of things planned as well.

  • Pre-game “Sprain” Dancing Competition
  • A.C. Slater’s Sitting Backwards Musical Chairs
  • I’m So Excited Fan Cam
  • Mr. Tuttle’s Learner’s Permit On-Field Obstacle Course
  • Screech Powers Chess Tournament on the Concourse Level
  • Kiss Cam complete with the usual “WOOOOOOOOOOOW” sounds since our game will also be taped in front of a live studio audience
  • Anyone named Johnny Dakota is banned from the ballpark because we “Say Nope to Dope”
  • Oldest Cell Phone in the Ballpark Competition
  • Friendship bracelet station on the concourse…singing “Friends Forever” will be optional.
  • Zack Morris TIMEOUT Race Around the Bases – kids will race around the bases, but most stop in their tracks every time they hear TIMEOUT.
  • After the game, fans with perms or wearing stonewashed jeans will be allowed to run the bases.

There’s no word yet as to whether or not any of the former cast members of the hit Saturday morning show will be in attendance, but I can’t imagine a night like this going down without at least one of them being there.

“We are planning to reach out to some of the former stars in hopes of getting them to appear,” Brooklyn’s Director of Communications Billy Harner told The Hall. “Fans are obviously very excited about it, so we want to really do as much as we can to make the night as memorable as possible.”

I’m not sure what other promotional stunts are being planned for 2015, but so far…this one is the early winner.

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