Buckeyes Fall Short On Senior Day, Lose 20-14 to Penn State

It was a memorable Senior Day in Columbus, although not the memories that Buckeye fans were hoping for.  Ohio State’s offense continued to struggle against a solid PSU defense, and the Buckeye D were unable to effectively stop the big plays as Penn State moved to a Wildcat package to have success running the ball.

After returning from his 10 game suspension, Devier Posey received a warm welcome at his introduction during the Senior celebration; there was speculation that the fans might not have responded well to the last member of the Tat 5. His presence helped in the game, but in the end it wasn’t enough.

Ohio State deferred to the second half, and PSU started on the OSU 20 after a huge kick. However, on the first play, Howard committed pass interference after biting on the play action.  OSU’s D managed to shut out the Lions on first and second down, but gave up a slant for the first. PSU went to the wildcat, with Drake taking the snap and handing off to Green; who burst up the middle (and past Ryan Shazier) and ran 39 yards for the early PSU touchdown.

Ohio State’s Offense started with a run up the middle. Surprise, right? Miller took a sack on second down, and completed a pass to DeVier on a broken play. A pass to Herron on first down fell incomplete, but Miller’s keeper on the option look picked up eight yards; Boom picked up the first down off tackle. Boom was tripped up after a three yard gain on first down, but picked up nothing on the second.  A fumbled snap on third down, and Buchanan came out and punted into the endzone.

When Penn State started their second drive, a play action pass was broken up on a big hit. Second down saw PSU toss another incompletion (after review). Third and ten for the Lions, and they completed a first down pass to the tight end.  The Wildcat formation returned, for a gain of only one yard. Green’s run up the middle went for three yards, and the Lions picked up the first on an off tackle run.  Fullback dive for no gain, pass off of the hands of the receiver, and PSU was facing third down again. The Moxie was still flowing, and McGloin had another completion for a PSU first down.  Silas Redd picked up seven in an off tackle lead play; and got the first on the next play. No gain on first down, and a deep toss to the endzone fell flat. Third down was incomplete, and PSU kicked a field goal to go up 10-0 toward the end of the first quarter.

On the ensuing kick, Jordan Hall managed to gain the 23 yard line, where the Ohio State offense began their second series.  Carlos Hyde took the direct snap in the Wildcat, and gained 4 yards through A gap. A lead draw picked up the first down, and Ohio State went play action on first down- leading to a dump off to Boom for no gain. Penn State committed a facemask, giving Ohio State a first down after a broken pass play at the end of the first quarter. A first down run resulted in no gain and a illegal formation penalty; Ohio State’s 1-15 play resulted in a 5 yard gain on Braxton’s keeper. A second down pass was a bit underthrown, and the 3-11 play resulted in an amazing one hand grab by Devier Posey.  A screen to Hyde fell incomplete, while Braxton picked up 8 yards on second down. Ohio State scored on a QB draw thanks to an amazing set of downfield blocks; Basil nailed the extra points to bring the score to 10-7.

The deep kick was returned from the goal line to the 18, where Curtis Grant made the stop. Silas Red was punished after a three yard run, but took the next counter play for 42 yards deep into Ohio State territory. Moye caught a deep post for another first down on the 16 yard line.  Belton kept the ball on the Wildcat and put PSU at first and goal at the four; the Lions scored one play later. 17-7 Penn State midway through the second quarter.

Hall took the kick out to the 27, where Braxton and the Buckeyes opened with “Dave” and no gain. Braxton took a two yard loss on a sack, and an incomplete pass led to the Ohio State punt. Sigh.

Orian Johnson intercepted the tipped McGloin pass, and the Buckeye offense returned to the field on their 37 yard line. First down run, second down saw Braxton keep the ball on the option down to the eight yard line.  Carlos Hyde picked up no yardage on the Wildcat on first down; Braxton picked up two on second down, but Braxton remembered that Jake Stoneburner plays for Ohio State and found him in the end zone for the score.

Penn State opened up on the 22 yard line, and Jonathan Hankins stopped the Lions run for no gain. Curtis Drake kept the ball out of the Wildcat, and scampered down to the Ohio State forty yard line. Green picked up six yards and two yards in consecutive runs between the tackles;  a good spot on third down gave PSU another first down. PSU moved back 5 yards after a delay of game, Redd’s three yard gain set up  second and 12, third and 12 after a big stop. On third and twelve, Travis Howard upended Green after a short swing out of the backfield.  With time running out, PSU kicked a 46 yard field goal to head to the locker room up 20-14.

Halftime’s festivities also included TBDBITL’s long time Director Dr. Woods being chosen to dot the I in Script Ohio. Great moment for the band, as well as a fitting send off of a legend at Ohio State.

Ohio State started the second half with the ball, and opened up on the 24 yard line. The first down “Dave” play suffered due to a tripped offensive lineman, and only gained a yard. Philly Brown made a play on a ball after a Braxton scramble for an Ohio State first down. Braxton was sacked on first down; Penn State continued their first half game plan of bringing pressure and run-blitzes on first down. A second down option was stopped after a short gain; on third down Michael Brewster’s second bad snap of the game resulted in a scramble that fell short of the first down. Penn State was flagged for blocking in the back on the ensuing punt, and started their next series on their own 20.

Silas Redd picked up seven yards on the Wildcat run, and McGloin’s second down toss was for no gain. The PSU counter picked up the first down and gained enough yards to put PSU near midfield. Ryan Shazier tripped up the Wildcat sweep on first, Tyler Moeller gobbled up the Wildcat keeper. Third down finally found an OSU stop with solid coverage; PSU punted to the OSU 10 yard line, where an apparent catch interference was overlooked.

Jordan Hall’s Wildcat keeper picked up six yards, but the next play resulted in a fumbled handoff and a Penn State recovery at the OSU eleven.

Jonathan Hankins continued the brain lapses with a false start to give PSU a first and goal at the six. Ryan Shazier buried the Wildcat dive, and Matt McGloin’s roll out/jump pass resulted in a defensive hold on Travis Howard- first and goal at the OSU 3. Fullback dive only gained a yard, and was stuffed on second down as well. McGloin was buried on the QB sneak on third down. The TB dive on fourth was hit in the backfield for a huge goal line stand- The stop that the Buckeyes needed at just the right time.

Boom’s first down run from the endzone put him out past the ten, and a second yard dash move him closer to another first down. Carlos Hyde picked up the necessary yardage, and the Buckeye offense were beginning to pick up some momentum. That would be short lived, though- Hyde fumbled on the next play and Penn State recovered on the OSU forty five yard line.

Green was dropped for a loss of two on a stretch play for PSU, and the subsequent fullback screen picked up two yards. A third yard dump off was stopped short of the first down, and PSU punted Ohio State to their own two yard line.

Boom picked up two coming out of his endzone as the quarter came to an end. Boom churned for another two yards, while Braxton got the first down on a QB option keeper. Jordan Hall’s two yards on the first down draw set up a second down that saw a pass to Devier Posey for a first down on a deep comeback.  Braxton’s QB keeper was stopped after two yards, and he short hopped the next pass to Jordan Hall. A perfectly thrown ball to Philly Brown on the 10 yard line was dropped, and the Buckeyes needed to punt; PSU would start on their 25 yard line.

A Wildcat keeper by PSU led to a six yard gain; the Lions picked up the additional yardage on the following play. A run got four yards, before the Lions’ false started and moved back for a second and eleven.  PSU’s running back screen was well developed and made it first and ten at the PSU 47.  Belton’s keeper was good for two yards and a dive picked up three more. Penn State was grinding clock and yardage, while the Buckeyes’ hopes were lifted when a wide open PSU fullback dropped the ball and forced the Lions to punt- OSU ball on their own 13 yard line.

Boom ripped off 13 yards on the opening play, seven and two on the following two plays. The third down dive gave the Buckeyes a first down. A botched snap turned into a magical play- Braxton picked up 22 yards  on an amazing scramble, and showed why so many OSU fans are excited about the future of the program. Boom was good for three more on first down, but another bobbled snap short circuited a WR screen to DeVier Posey. Miller picked up all but four of the necessary yards, and the Buckeyes elected to go for it on fourth down.

It was at this time that JB Shugarts chose to have his weekly false start, making it 4th and 10 for the game. Braxton’s scramble came up just short, and Penn State took over on downs.

PSU’s offense started with a false start, and on first and fifteen PSU’s run was stopped for one yard.  Green’s run was good for three, but the next play gained no yardage due to the Shazier play, and OSU awaited PSU’s punt, which went out of bounds at the 35.

Braxton avoided the sack, but was called for intentional grounding on first down. After a loss of down and a ten second run off, Braxton’s next pass was out of bounds as PSU dropped into heavy coverage.  A deep toss was caught by Devin Spencer, but was stripped away at the last second. OSU’s final pass fell incomplete, and the Lions walked away with the victory.

Ohio State faces Michigan in The Game next week, and travels to Ann Arbor  for the end of the regular season.


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