Bucky Brooks’ AFC South Camp Preview


Bucky pretty much nails the talking points for the Colts’ 2007 Offseason. The secondary does not worry me. Harper and David were competent performers, but I think letting them walk may end up being an upgrade for the team and at the very least a wash. Joseph Addai is a star in the making, and is capable of being the feature back. If the Colts can get 8 carries per game out of another back they’ll be set. The Linebacking/Run D will be the story to follow again this year. No suprise there.

Incidentally, you have to love the Jaguars’ Challenge #2: Build an explosive offense. Like that wasn’t their goal each of the past five seasons. I would say this was the Jags’ make or break year, but I thought that was true of last season.

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