Bucky Gleason’s article on the fans was dead on

Bucky Gleason's article on the fans was dead onJust gotta make a quick mention that the Buffalo Sabres have announced today that they have sold their 2009-2010 season tickets (14,825), an increase of 500 tickets from last year. Bucky Gleason wrote about a month or so ago how the Sabres had leaked information that they had a 94% renewal for this upcoming season. I wanted to see it to believe it. Even during the last couple weeks, I was reading in chat rooms that the Sabres had already gone through their waiting list to sell season tickets. Well I guess the waiters really wanted the tickets.

This proves that you could never take fans seriously who call into talk radio shows and say they are done with their teams and are going to burn their season tickets. I think the season ticket holders must be either hard core fans or fans who don’t know much about hockey to know the team isn’t that good.

Gleason’s article was primarily about how things have changed, and that during the 80’s and 70’s fans wouldn’t be duped into buying tickets for a bad team. He claimed that fans today are settling for mediocrity with the Bills and Sabres. And your not going to get an argument from me on that point. I’d like to add to his thought that the difference between then and now is that Sports as a whole, has become a regular norm in our country. It’s like going to the Mall or going out to eat. Face facts, there isn’t a lot to do in Buffalo and If you can tell me what better things to do in Buffalo then go to games and drink, then please do so. People want to go to the games to hang out with friends and get totally sh$% faced. At some point I will be making a column on my pet peeves with Buffalo fans…look for that soon….anyways congrats to Mr. Mulliquinn and Mr. Seles, the fans just proved to you why you shouldn’t spend money on the team.

-Joe p-

“No BS from me”

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