Bush struggles, bats continue to struggle; Brewers aren’t very good

The Brewers losing streak reached five games Wednesday night, but on a positive note, at least they finally scored a couple runs. The Brewers bats were held scoreless for 22 innings before Rickie Weeks hit a two-run home run in the sixth inning. It turned out that shot was only a mirage and the Brewers lost their second straight to the Marlins, 6-2.
Dave Bush started out pitching well but that blew up starting in the third. Bush gave up three in that frame and three more in the sixth before getting pulled. Back-to-back home runs in the sixth doomed Bush and his ERA now stands at 6.98. He falls to 0-4 on the season. Seth McClung came on and finished the final two innings and struck out two while not giving up a run.
The Crew has seven hits and just the two runs in 18 innings so far in Florida. This team is no longer slumping or struggling. They are just flat out bad this year. The pitching sucks, the base running sucks, and the hitting really sucks. Oh and so does the coaching. Mike Cameron gets a pass since he’s only been on the team a week now. Corey Hart and Jason Kendall are each having good seasons. Rickie Weeks, Ryan Braun, Prince Fielder, Bill Hall and JJ Hardy are all under-performing. Ned Yost needs to stop sending out the same lineup every day. It’s time to move Corey Hart to the leadoff spot and put Weeks down in the order. JJ needs to be put back in the 2-hole since that’s where he’s had his greatest success. Braun needs to stop swinging at balls in the dirt and Prince needs to find his power stroke. Hall has to figure out he does not need to pull every pitch thrown at him. This team plays with no emotion and that’s a direct result of Ned Yost managing that way. I give Yost and this team until June 1st to make a turnaround, otherwise it’s time for a new manager and seeing what other options GM Doug Melvin can find.

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