Holy cock tacos! We are pleased to introduce the wonderful opportunity to now purchase Purple Jesus Diaries merchandise as a way to buy your sins off!

Really, I’m not joking. I highly anticipate that I’ll only be earning commission off of myself, and the panties I buy for my girlfriend (See: boyfriend), but if anyone else for some odd reason just has TONS of disposable income laying around right now, feel free to toss some this way.
We’ll be working on new designs and different PJD memes to throw on a t-shirt or other items, so check back often. I am especially looking forward to the PJD Flame Thrower (The kids love it). Remember, Father’s Day is coming up as well, and what could be more insulting than providing him with a piece of shit merchandise like this? He totally didn’t want you to just leave him the fuck alone for 24 hours instead.
Anyway, enjoy the products, and thanks for the (non)support!
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