Call for contributing writers


In the off-season in particular it's a challenge to produce enough content, and Duck fans are eager for fresh perspectives and insight on their favorite team.

Plus, I'd like to be able to take a day off once in a while without feeling guilty. And I miss golf. I'd like to take another run at scratch while I'm still young enough to be physically capable.

If you enjoy writing and you have a lifetime passion for college football, we'd like to hear from you. Duck Stops Here is looking for contributing writers. You'd get a by-line and exposure to an enthusiastic and courteous audience, positive feedback on your work, and the opportunity to share your perspective on the sport and the team.

We'd ask for a minimum commitment of one post a week, but a daily or three times a week column would be ideal. We can supply photographs to enhance your stories, but if you have original photography, that is great also. Ideally, we'd like to supply our audience with five to seven fresh posts a day, so a team of ten writers would be ideal.

At DSH we strive to be well-written and thoughtful, generally positive in our outlook. But we don't ignore issues and concerns either.

Contact us at if you're interested, or just submit a post in the body of your email or as a Word document. Contributions will be edited for spelling but left in your own voice.

Thanks to everyone for their continued support of the site, and to Eric Sloat for his exellent contributions on basketball.




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