Can The “Clean Generation” Save Baseball?

Can The Dustin Pedroia was interviewed about the Mitchell Report by the Providence Journal today and said that his generation is clean. Here is a quote from the article, “Pedroia was also quick to point out all the young talent within the Sox’ organization — all of whom are 26 or younger — are all of sound mind and body. Players such as Jonathan Papelbon, Jon Lester, Jacoby Ellsbury, Clay Buchholz, Brandon Moss, and Pedroia, consider themselves fortunate to be part of a new and cleaner game.” It was this group of young players that gave a huge lift to the Red Sox this season and have a future so bright that Boston does not want to part with them in trade deals. The Mitchell Report made two clear points; steroids were a major part of the game in the 90’s and now we need to move forward. The Steroid Era did not end with the Mitchell Report but maybe the group of young stars on the Red Sox can bring baseball out of it.

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