For those of you that don’t know, I’m a bit of a Tito basher. Today is no different. Did we win the game? Yes, was it closer than it should have been? Absolutely.

I start this off with a statement for Julie (my newest SOX friend I met at tonight’s game).
Dice K is so much harder to take in person. WOW, not being able to get up and walk around my living room really made his tightrope act difficult to stomach. Tonight started off great, even though DICE K gave right back 1 of the 4 1st inning runs the SOX scored. He looked great, pitching strikes, almost too many strikes, not walking anyone until the 4th. He gave up more hits than usual, but in the 5th is where Tito left our star from the land of the rising sun in too long. Look, I get that it is the 5th and you want him to get a win, but in the playoffs, it has to be about TEAM wins, not individual stats. When a starting pitcher comes out for the 5th inning with your team up 5-2 and he starts with walk, walk, RBI single, sorry, but it is time for the hook. The problem being, no one was warm because no one was throwing until AFTER the RBI single. By comparison, Scioscia had Oliver up in the 4th, yes the 4th inning after Ellsbury doubled, just so he could face Ortiz if it got that far. Enough of that for now.

The game was electric, the stadium was not to capacity, the two seats next to me (1st row behind the SOX bullpen) were empty. The four runs in the first were huge. The crowd was crushed and quiet for the better part of the night until the HALO’s tied the game. Yuk’s catch was amazing, from our view it didn’t look as if he had a chance to bring it back, but he stayed with it and it was a huge out, at that point, I thought Papelbon could strand Figgins at 3rd. Just as amazing was the play Yuk made on Hunter’s bunt attempt in the bottom of the 9th. Of course player of the game goes to Drew, great catch against the wall and then the big homerun.

I’ve got video of the last out, sorry it’s a bit far away, but my camera sucks.
I would also like to note that my son has in his possession, Bay’s 3 run HR ball AND the ball that Papelbon warmed up with in the bullpen (thank you SOX fan in the green shirt).

Finally, typically I sat next to the two most annoying fans in the stadium. Drunk Yankee fan that apparently didn’t have anything better to do than tell our entire bullpen that they sucked. Not to be out done was drunk, loud Angel fan that all game long was yapping this, yapping that, then told Papelbon that his number 58 was a football number. Wait a minute sir, doesn’t K-ROD were 57? I didn’t get to ask you because you left way too early……

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