Can’t Flush This

At halftime last night, Jim Watson of Fox asked Tim Floyd about what he thought about the first half. His response, “they (the Cougs) won’t go away. No one has been able to bury them all season.” And when I heard that, I laughed as it occured to me that in many ways, we represent that stingy terd that just won’t be flushed no matter how hard you try. You think you’re done, but it just won’t go away.

And that, my friends, is why this team is a real Final Four threat. Even when we’re dominated like we were last night and against UCLA last week, we’re in games late. That may be frustrating for us as we look back, but as we look forward, it is a sign that great things may still be left to come.

By now, friends, we KNOW what beats us: HOT 3 point shooting and relentless defensive pressure and athleticism from the opposing team’s backcourt. The teams that have that give us problems and can beat us. If you don’t have that, you won’t. It’s just that simple.

I’ve said here before that Oregon and SC are really, really dangerous. But they are dangerous bracket busters because they are inconstent on defense and streaky on offense. In Forrest Gump terms, “you don’t know what you gonna get.”

But with the Cougs, you know what you’re gonna get. We just don’t know whose gonna get them.

So, we’ll wait until Selection Sunday. Personally, I think they’re gonna get a #3 seed, but part of me thinks they really deserve a #4.

Either way, look at the capsules Monday morning, check the websites. If the other team doesn’t play D, if they are not long at the 3 spot, and if they don’t shoot the ball well from 3, then move us along.

I maintain. If we do not have UCLA, Oregon, Florida, or maybe SC on our bracket this team will go to the Elite 8, if not the Final Four.

Its gonna be special…


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