Captain Canada Shows His Class


The strangest thing happened today – a NBA superstar signed with his former team’s arch rival, and yet he probably will still be loved forever in his former home.  Former Sun Steve Nash has reported joined the Lakers in a sign in trade deal, and somehow pulled it off in such a classy, honest way that even the most hardcore of the Suns faithful can’t criticize him for it.  Here is Nash’s statement, courtesy of ESPN:

For the last 8 seasons I’ve been blessed to play for a team and a city that has embraced me and that I have come to call home. This is a tough business and the only thing constant in life is change.

After talking with (owner) Robert (Sarver) and (president of basketball operations) Lon (Babby) we’ve agreed that it’s time for both of us to move in new directions. I approached them and asked if they would be willing to do a sign and trade deal with L.A. because it is very important to me to stay near my children and family.

They were very apprehensive and didn’t want to do it. Fortunately for me, they reconsidered. They saw that they were able to get assets for their team that will make them better, assets they would not have otherwise had and it made sense for them to do a deal that helps their team get better.

I couldn’t be more grateful to the organization and Robert in particular. I know how hard this was for him and that fact that he was able to help me and my family in this way … it means a lot and says a lot about his character. I will never forget this gesture. Above and beyond.

The Phoenix Suns are an amazing organization and fans should be excited about their future. I hope the Suns win a championship some day soon for all the amazing fans and wonderful people in the organization.

Refreshing – no talk of “taking my talents to La-La Land”, no hour-long ESPN TV special, no throwing coaches under the bush, no flip-flopping by the minute, no talk of “loyalty” then demanding a trade in his next breath, no accusations of blackmail.  See, LeBron and Dwight – it could have been this easy.


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