EX Buc Randy Grimes emerges from battle with Pain Pills– A must read story for everyone from Gary Shelton.Grimes is one of only 7 players to be called “Starting Center” for the Bucs; See story later this afternoon
Pain Pill addiction is an epidemic right now; the short term effects of increased energy make them an easy target for restaurant employees or anyone who works and wants a quick spurt of energy and to feel like a million bucks! The problem is the long term effects, these are mind control drugs, and after you have made the choice to use them, you find yourself no longer in control of the substance, rather it has control over you. In time the substance creates more dopamine recptors in your brain that your stuck with, always tugging at you with craves. Help is available for anyone who is stuck or starting to get stuck in an opiate addiction.
Flaws of Josh Freeman appear fixable
He did it after his first season, Josh Freeman hit the videos, and worked hard during the OTAs and offseason. A lot of it will happen this season, but expect a new Freeman next year.
NFL Stadiums to begin using metal detectors
I have no problem with pat downs or metal detectors. I understand the debate over eroding civil rights but I’d prefer to enjoy safety more than the right to go to a stadium without getting padded down. Should they use this now to remove flasks from people? No, I think that is wrong, and would smell of ownership trying to gain a foothold on alchohol sales. They should be used to remove guns and/or weapons of obvious intent. Once I had to drink from an opened bottle of Vodka at Midway Airport because they felt the liquid could have been an explosive or chemical. Lets not push the envelope that far.
Listen to the Pewter Report Radio Podcast for 10-26
No one covers the Bucs more in depth than the Pewter Report. NO ONE.
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