Cardinals Now Mystic; Predict Freese Has Awful Year


The Cardinals have long traded in the art of baseball, but apparently have added mysticism to their cadre of talents over the off-season.

Just this morning, the CD Inbox received word that third baseman David Freese was going to slug 13 home runs and drive in 64 runs.  So confident they were, that it was put right there in the subject line so I didn’t even have to open it up to know that the World Series MVP was going to wildly regress in 2012!

Obviously this is a shill that MLB and/or the Cardinals have concocted with Bloomberg Sports.  But a couple of suggestions, if I may.

1) If you’re going to make bold predictions, error on the side of excitement. Maybe 13 and 64 would get a Pirate fan excited for the upcoming season. But for the defending champion that’s going to be relying more than ever on its third baseman? Well that’s more depressing than anything.

2) And here’s the big one… think before you press send.  Or at least have someone from STL read the damn subject line before sending it out.

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