CBJ Community Convention 2015


Last evening at Scioto Downs the Columbus Blue Jackets held an event that was a learning experience for all involved. Speakers from many different outlets spoke about what each of their organizations do to stand out above the rest. Our own organization started off the meeting, here are some highlights.

Buckeye State Hockey:

Jacket Backers:

The Cannon:

CBJ Artillery:

The evening was capped off with the announcement of Cannonfest VI by Matt Wagner, Greg May and Alison Lukan. An announcement that was a long time coming for all who put in the time and effort to plan the event. Immediately afterwards a panel with Rob Mixer, Alison and Greg about the obstacles and benefits of being in the public sphere during the social media age. While the evening was a rousing success, it looks as if the next time the Community Convention takes place it may be even bigger and open to the public. We hope to see you all at Cannon Fest!

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