Ceci Scratched For Final CAN-RUS Game

Ceci Scratched For Final CAN-RUS Game

In lieu of a summer orientation camp for its U-20 team this year, Canada partnered with Russia for a mini-Summit Series of sorts. The 40th anniversary of '72 the occasion with the proceeds going to benefit the families of the Lokomotiv tragedy. The first two games went last Thursday and Friday in Yaroslavl, game three went last night and the final game goes tonight in Halifax. Canada needs a win to square the series at 2-2.

Cody Ceci is the lone Senator invited to the Canadian camp, although Matt Puempel should get a decent look now that he's playing under the Canadian head coach Steve Spott in Kitchener. Mark Masters revealed the lineup for game four earlier today and like game one, Ceci's name was absent:

An omission that shouldn't be completely surprising, in the minutes I've watched Ceci he hasn't exactly stoodout at least positively – he's been a step slow at times and his decision making a little off. There was some thought he might look a little more comfortable back on NA ice but that didn't really seem to be the case. Spott has a lot of options, some older and more experienced than Ceci that he's chose to go with instead. Hockey Canada likes to pair rights with lefts and with Hamilton drawing back in Ceci was likely pushed out. It should be noted that Ceci isn't the only highly touted d-man from the 2012 draft scratched tonight, #4 overall pick Reinhart will be joining him.

This series isn't everything obviously, hell neither is the WJC. One short tournament does not a career make. Still, it's always more exciting as a Sens fan when a prospect is involved in a national team. A lot can and will change between now and selection camp, with player availability due to a lockout perhaps the biggest unkown. Still plenty of time for Ceci to impress Hockey Canada brass…first order of business getting rid of that #3 (reminding me too much of Phaneuf).

TSN.ca has the first three games on-demand if you're looking catch up.

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