Clay Bennett – MORON

Clay Bennett - MORON“Just smile Clay, just smile, pretend you’re going to make a good faith effort….that’s it…where’s my check again?”

Totally/completely non-Coug related…but….after reading this? I just hope it’s another thing to pile on Clay-Clay’s fat head. A few nuggets, Muckleshoot-style:

“Based only upon the market data, it is apparent that Seattle is a strong NBA market that compares favorably to all other NBA cities,” the report said. “Most notably, individual wealth is concentrated in the higher income brackets with entertainment spending patterns that are among the highest of all NBA markets.”

Remember, Clay says Seattle isn’t a “viable” market anymore. OKC > Seattle. WHA!?!

“An attendance and market capture analysis indicates that the Seattle area has the capacity to increase attendance at NBA games while the premium seating market is competitive with a limited ability to absorb a significant increase in the luxury suite inventory. Lastly, the drive time analysis data reveals little if any identifiable difference between the markets accessible by KeyArena and a new facility at the Auburn site.”

Remember, Clay says the 25 miles from Seattle is just too far. HUH!?!?

Clay Bennett, if you move this team, you are a MORON.

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