Clay Needs A Reality Check

Clay Buchholz was happy with yesterday’s outing, “It was definitely a confidence booster, my arm felt good, and it feels like I’m moving forward now instead of staying back where I was and, hopefully, there’s good things to come.” In his last 8 starts, Buchholz is 0-6 with an 8.61. Yesterday he gave up a walk, a hit, and a run in one inning of work. That would give Clay an ERA of 9.00 on the day and a WHIP of 2, neither of which is good. Clay has “turned the corner” so much he is spinning in circles. I am glad he will enter his start in Baltimore with confidence, but why do I feel like I have seen this movie before? It does not end well. Now is time for Clay to prove me wrong and throw a great game, we do not need any more hype for this kid, what we need is a win.

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