Clemens Misses Yet Another Chance To Make The Right Choice

Clemens Misses Yet Another Chance To Make The Right ChoiceHow many times have baseball fans given Clemens a pass? Sox fans gave him a “standing O” during his several “last” games at Fenway. Yankee fans welcomed him back after giving him a car on his farewell tour. Astro fans gave him a pass for not going on the road with the team. The media gave him a pass when he threw a bat at Mike Piazza. After all of this Red Sox management produced a slick video to try to bring him back to Boston. But he once again picked the Yankees causing Yankee announcer Suzyn Waldman to nearly pee herself. Clemens thinks you are going to give him another pass. He has already released a statement through his lawyer saying he never used steroids. Whenever Clemens has the chance to do the right thing he always disappoints. He could have apologized and taken some responsibility for the state of baseball. He did not. Don’t give him a pass on this one, don’t vote him into the Hall of Fame, don’t feel sorry for him. Clemens has let you down in the past and has made his bed. Now let him sleep in it.

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