Cleveland Browns sign QB Rex Grossman, waive Tyler Thigpen

Brace Hemmelgarn-USA TODAY Sports
Brace Hemmelgarn-USA TODAY Sports

CLEVELAND, OH – Well, we knew this was coming, we just didn’t know when. The Cleveland Browns signed veteran quarterback Rex Grossman today. To make room, the Browns released the horrendous Tyler Thigpen. Grossman was seen watching practice from the sidelines in today’s practice.

Once a Super Bowl quarterback, Grosman is the perfect fit for offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan‘s offense. The two worked together in Washington and Grossman knows the system very well. While Grossman isn’t expected to see the field this season, he will provide a much-needed veteran presence in the Browns quarterback classroom. The 33-year-old will help be the eyes and ears on the sidelines.

Thigpen, who has bounced around the league had an awful showing on Saturday night’s preseason opener versus the Detroit Lions. With a chance to lead a game winning drive late in the fourth quarter, Thigpen failed miserably going 3 of 12 for 38 yards and a game sealing interception. Granted, he was playing with guys who may not have a future in the NFL, but at the end of the day, it’s still football. Thigpen flat-out failed to execute against the same type of players lined up across for him.

Is Grossman a step up from Thigpen?

Yes, but unless a typical Cleveland tragedy happens to both Brian Hoyer and Johnny Manziel, Grossman will be wearing an earpiece and holding a clipboard in 2014. For what it’s worth should the Browns decide to keep three signal callers on the 53 man roster, Grossman will battle rookie Connor Shaw for that spot.

Ryan Ruiz is the Cleveland Browns Beat Writer for The Inscriber: Digital Magazine. You can follow him on Facebook: Ryan (BrownsWriter) Ruiz and Twitter @ryanpruiz24. Ryan is also a Browns correspondent for The Sportsfix. Tune in every Friday at noon on  Email Ryan at [email protected]

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