Cleveland Browns Star Receiver Josh Gordon Reportedly Fails Second Drug test

Josh Gordon. (January 25, 2014 - Source: Scott Cunningham/Getty Images North America)
Josh Gordon. (January 25, 2014 – Source: Scott Cunningham/Getty Images North America)

CLEVELAND- The Cleveland Browns once phenomenal 2014 offseason just took a nose dive in the wrong direction. One day after selecting cornerback Justin Gilbert and quarterback Johnny Manziel, the NFL confirmed that Josh Gordon, who led the NFL in receiving yards, failed his second drug test in two years. He tested positive for marijuana. The star receiver has a history of drug use stemming back to his days as a receiver for the Baylor Bears. He declined to offer specifics of the test when reporters inquired about it. He referred them to his agent, Drew Rosenhaus.

Gordon may still remain with the Browns but if he isn’t able to suit up, the Browns may have to sign a free agent wide receiver in order to soften the major blow. One receiver who is available is former Dallas Cowboy Miles Austin. This could mean that either Brian Hoyer or Manziel will be throwing a lot of passes to tight end Jordan Cameron, as well as wide receivers Nate Burleson, Greg Little, and Travis Benjamin. There is also the option of drafting John Browns out of Pittsburgh State. Brown ran the third best time at the 40 yard dash with 4.34 seconds.

Whatever happens, this could jeopardize the Browns chances of having their first winning season since 2007 when they went 10-6.

Bad luck seems to follow the team no matter what. The franchise faced season ending injuries to key players like Joe Jurevicious and LeCharles Bentley. In addition to that, Donte’ Stallworth plead guiltyof manslaughter in 2009. The fans are riding the emotional roller-coaster that could last the whole season.

Nate Burleson suffers arm fracture

Browns wide receiver Nate Burleson suffered an arm fracture during training. He is expected to miss the remainder of off-season training but he should be back in time for the preseason.

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