Come on Dave you are killing me softly

Come on Dave you are killing me softlyWell, it seems Dave-y Odom has had a interesting week as it was reported by WSPA that USC lost out on a great recruit for basketball. Odom lost the recruiting battle for 6-7 Dutch Fork High forward Murphy Holloway. Holloway has committed to Ole Miss….yes you are reading it right – Ole Miss. According to the news (WSPA), he had several other offers on the table including ones from USC and Clemson. Why does this matter well he is leading the state in scoring this season with an average of 34 points per game…..Way to go Dave!

Well in other news…I find it interesting that Dave-y is going to go with a smaller line-up in the upcoming game against Ark-kansas. I think this is a good move (b/c the big boys are not producing on the offense side nor the defensive side) but it will not solve some of the larger issues that USC has and needs to correct in a hurry before the season is “a wash.” Oh, those issues I speak of, well in my opinion there are: lack of a inside presence, team not responding to coach’s, points/shot taking is not spread out (too much reliant on 2 people for points) and lack of confidence. I like what The State wrote today – here – about the need to go back to a “run-n-gun offense” and it stresses the need to spread the scoring load. I agree that since Baylor and especially UNC-A the Gamecocks have regressed as a team.

Side note – Interesting article for your reading pleasure today – What Could Have Been: Metro Conference

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