Conference Schadenfreude!

Conference Schadenfreude!

After a will they or won't they that would make Ross and Rachel tell them to just get on with it already, the Philadelphia Eagles have hired soon-to-be former Oregon coach Chip Kelly as their new head coach (according to every website on the internet). While we get to take a little enjoyment at the expense of Oregon, I suspect it'll revolve mostly around Chip's back and forth daliances. At this point, all signs point toward current Duck offensive coordinator Mark Helfrich assuming the role. I tend to think that the Oregon juggernaut will be able to roll along pretty well, even without Chip there. Uncle Phil is still around and hiring from within should help from a continuity standpoint. Besides, they still have the jazzy uniforms and fancy facilities and whatnot. What say you, Coug Nation? Does Chip's departure mean we might see a turning of the tide in the Pac-12 North or will this be Bellotti to Kelly part 2? At the very least, we're not currently in last place according to the conference fanbase angst-o-meter. Go Cougs.

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