I'm not going to sugarcoat it… after all that drama in October, there is jack squat to write about in November. And maybe that's being kind.
The news wires are filled with the lamest Cardinals news and various Bleacher Report slideshows. The Cardinals front office is on vacation. And the free-agent signing period is still not open.
Long story short, it's not the best time to have a Cardinals blog.
But we've got to post something here, so I went looking on the Googles for something amusing. I searched "St. Louis Cardinals Funny" under pics and came across a cadre of mildly amusing photos.
And, then, amid the morass, was this guy:
Just standing in the rain. Awash in his own thoughts. Lost in contemplation. Soul searching in the hallowed walls of Busch Stadium, with nary a soul to be found.
We'll call him 'Contemplative Cardinal Guy' and you bet your ass we're turning him into a meme when content gets thin over the winter.
So here's your introduction. Hope you like him.
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