Earlier we posted some of our own Bruins Hockey Rule ads. Apparently our Sedin Twins are Gnomes is causing a bit if a ruckus up north. So much so that the Vancouver Province wrote a story on it and a local VAN radio station wants to interview us about it tomorrow morning.
Seriously, of all the things this blog has said, done and photoshopped that’s probably the most mild “insult” we’ve thrown out there.
In related news, we’ve got word that there’s a new Bear commercial coming out (no idea when) but it’ll probably be like similar to the last one with the Bear and the spray paint. Can’t wait.
All this brings us to the point of this post. We were approached by reps of Reebok yesterday afternoon. They’re going to give us a couple of shirts to use as a give-a-way.
We’ve decided that a “Create your own Bruins Hockey Rules” ad would be a good way to give a way these shirts. We’ll let winner decide which shirt they want but we’re assuming they’ll probably want the Eastern Champ shirt.
Contest is pretty self explanatory. Make a Bruins Hockey Rule ad poking fun of the city of Vancouver, the Canucks, the Green Men, etc. You can do video if you want but photoshop ad is easier. Do what compels you.
Winners will be picked by the DOY crew over a case of beer.
Contest ends on FRIDAY JUNE 3rd at 5pm ET. We want people to get these shirts in time for Game 3 and 4 if they’re going.
Email submissions (JPG/PNG or link to video) to [email protected] with the subject “Bruins Hockey Rules contest.”
To make life easier we’ve created two blank templates you can use. The font we use for these is Adelon but use whatever you want. If you want credit for the image put your name/twitter/email in the picture somewhere. If we get a ton of submissions giving credit to everyone will be a huge pain, so just do it yourself.
We’ll do a post announcing the winners this weekend.
Click the images for high res version.
Have at thee! Remember: Deadline is this Friday, June 3rd at 5pm ET. You have 2.5 days. Kick ass!
Go Bruins!
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