I have had some people tell me that they wouldn’t eat most of the stuff I cook, mostly because of the way it looks when I take a picture of it. I have to admit, the whole taking pictures of food thing is a lot harder than it looks. I mean, look at this one. Why is it blurry? Was it moving? Was the broccoli moving at a high rate of speed? Did the noodles have some place to go? Seriously.
But the takeaway point is this: don’t judge my culinary creations based solely on the picture, because it’s impossible to take pictures of food without having it looked like someone barfed all over the plate. It’s true!
As for this dinner, I learned one cooking related tip. If you are having noodles and there is a sauce, try to avoid cornstarch with the sauce. It will make the noodles slimy. Not that the whole thing doesn’t already look slimy and weird anyways.
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